Questions and answers

Our company's services are free for customers. Developers and real estate sellers pay with us.

No. If you are not able to come now, but you have a strong desire to buy real estate, trust us! We will select suitable options remotely, make the necessary videos about the object of interest, send you all the information and send you a tripartite agreement. You study, sign the contract and send it back.

After signing the contract, make payments according to the payment plan. When all payments have been made, fly to register the title for a few days, or send us a power of attorney and we will register the property in your name under a power of attorney.

Developers and agencies work according to the same price lists, and by contacting the construction company directly, you buy the property at the same price as from the agency. But when working with a developer, you deprive yourself of the right to choose. You need to choose the most profitable offer that meets your criteria, and the developer, whatever one may say, is an interested party and will only advise himself.

Working with us, you will receive objective information about all areas, objects of interest to you, and construction companies. You will be able to see and compare the pricing policy, the quality of construction, the work of the management company and the location of each offer that interests you.

Our task is to find exactly the option you dreamed of, which matches your desires and capabilities and which will make you happy.

We work officially, we have all the necessary licenses, permits, our own office, and we speak Russian.
We don't work for the flow. For each client we make an individual selection, according to his capabilities and wishes.

The general director of the company has more than 10 years of experience in the real estate sector, and has been successfully investing in profitable properties for more than 5 years. He personally gets to know each client, gives advice on investment issues and handles the transaction himself.

UPTREND HOMES builds successful partnerships with developers, thanks to which our company’s clients have special conditions - long installments, gifts, discounts.
We have access to urgent sales, thanks to which UPTREND HOMES clients often buy real estate at prices below market prices.

And most importantly, our clients are our friends and can always count on help and support in any matter, even not related to real estate. We are family friends, we celebrate housewarmings together, celebrate holidays and accept you into our family.

Our guarantees

Our company is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Association of Real Estate Professionals

Only legally verified objects

We work under a tripartite agreement in two languages

100 % guarantee
transaction security

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